Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This is the day we arrive in Alaska - July 1, 2013

We are traveling to Tok Alaska for a two night stay.  This will be a hard day.  We will encounter bad roads with pot holes and dust and travel over 500 km.  Oh, but what beauty.

We saw our first Grizzly.  We stopped and put the windows down for a better look. Our Chicken Little Boone barked and scared the Grizzly away.  You don't know how funny that was really was.

These are pictures of Lake Kluane.  It is not possible to exaggerate on the size of this lake.  It was surrounded by mountains and the road follows around and along side it for ever.  Everything on the Alaska Highway goes on and on and on.  But always beautiful.

This how the road was for miles before we reached the Alaska border patrol.  We by the way they were much more pleasant than the Canadian border patrol.  Needless to say each time we go through we put on our best behavior face.

This is my very disappointing picture of the Welcome to Alaska sign.  It came up as we made a curve and another RV was on our tail.  We couldn't stop. The main thing is we are here!

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