Saturday, July 13, 2013

Denali, Alaska

This is a picture of the road as we are approaching Denali.  You can see the road off in the distance.  I shows you the depth and curves of these mountains.  We were in a road construction area a lot of the time. They have a limited time in the summer to repair roads. so 

These two pictures are right before the town of Denali.  The Nenana River runs through Denali.  We crossed it several times but one bridge was so high I could not look down the first time we crossed it.  The river is no ordinary river.

This is Denali.  It was very touristy but beautiful in it's setting.  The food was definitely out of this Greenwood, SC girl's price range.  By the way, the day we arrived and the day we left the weather was perfect.

This was at the visitor's center in the Denali National Park.  I touched a bear.  On our second day we took an 8 hour bus tour, 66 miles through the park.  It rain the whole time and was so cold.  But I do not have any regrets.  The object was to reach the Elieson Center to view Mt. Mckinley.

John  is standing at a look off point at about 5,000 feet.  The drop was unbelievable.  The bus traveled along the edges of this road with no barriers, guard rails or anything and all the time it was climbing and climbing.  I did look out the window but it was not easy.  I had no idea what to expect and I am glad I didn't.  Our bus driver was older than us, that caused me some concern. You can see we are having quite the adventure and I am truly loving it.  I am not complaining I am just trying to give accurate details.

This is what the rest stops looked like.  I am not good with port-a-potties.  But that's just me.

There is some caribou in the picture.  Two, I think.

John is standing in front of a quilt of Mt. McKinley at the Elieson Center.  We could not see Mt. Mckinley because of fog and rain clouds.  I local lady made the quilt.  It was too pretty for words.

I am sitting by a musher's sled while trying to get warm.  I was so cold that day.

On the way back down that "road" we witnessed two bears eating a caribou. They are in this picture but you probably can't see them.  They would be in the far left center.  The ranger told that they would have to close this area to hikers for a while.  It would be to dangerous for them.  I was surprised he even used the word dangerous.

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