Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tok, Alaska - First Stop in Alaska USA

There was very little to see in Tok, Alaska.  This is the RV park where we stayed.  Jordan and Huck Woody (called Alaska's Sweetgrass) entertained the campers with an up close and personal concert.  They performed country/bluegrass music.  It was very enjoyable.

 We ate some yummy Halibut at Fast Eddy's (the only restaurant in Tok).

 The road in Canada as we entered Alaska were very  bad and dusty.  John does like for his babies to be dirty.  Boone and I had to wait around while he washed the truck and 5th wheel.  To kill time we made his picture.  We have the cleanest rig in Alaska.

This is Tok's library.  Most the buildings look like this one.

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