Thursday, August 15, 2013

Valdez, Alaska

 These are views on our drive to Valdez.  It is my opinion that this drive was the most beautiful, but not to take away from the others.  We were so high up that the clouds were even with us.

The Matanuska Glacier was along side the road.  It impressed me because I could see it for a long time.  It just kept going and going.

I hope you can see the depth of these views.  Absolutely breathtaking to us.

As we approached Valdez the mountains came together with just enough room for the highway and a pretty river.  It was almost majestic.

You can see the port with John and Boone watching a big freighter dock and well as John and Boone at camp working on something.  There is a glacier in the background.

These are salmon trying to make it up stream at the hatchery in Valdez.  And with salmon come the bears.

Four grizzly cubs.  It wasn't easy to get them all in the same picture.  I hope you don't mind if I bore you with my bear pictures.  Seeing these creatures was a highlight for me.

Momma bear, she doesn't look too dangerous to me.

She got the in the water to catch salmon and watch us.

We watched the young bears play until one the cubs climbed up onto the road near us.  There was a ranger/policeman who was there to manage the situation I guess.  When the cub approached he yelled for us to get into our vehicles.  But the cub turned and when back into the ditch.  So I continued to make pictures.  It was very exciting.  Four cubs is not very common and to get that close is not very common either.  Fun! Fun! Fun!

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